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whatwouldmakethishacklabawesome [2012-12-15 21:55] – external edit [2020-06-17 20:11] river
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-======Things we have====== +====== What would make hacklab awesome ====== 
-++Mugs++ + 
-++Amp (Tom D)++ +(This page is old but rejuvenatable.) 
-++Speakers (Tom H)++ + 
-++Lights (Tom L)++ +======Things we want (with claimed things at the top)====== 
-++Mill (Tom L)++ +  Mezzanine 
-++Pillar drill (Tom L)++ +  Hammocks 
-++PCB fabrication chemicals (Tom L)++ +  Peppermint plant (self-sufficiency if connected to a water tube)(Jane) 
-++Cables (Martin)++ +  [[projector|Projector]] 
-++Standard components (Martin)++ +  Book library (all) 
-++Mailing list (Al)++ +  Tool library (all) 
-++IRC channel++ (OllieSaunders: done, see home page of this wiki)  +  Lava lamp (Martin?) 
-++Fume extractor (Tom L)++ +  Bunsen burner (Tom H) 
-++Solder stations (++Martin++, Tom H)++ +  UAVs (Martin) 
-++Microscope (Martin)++ +  Logic analyzer (Forest) 
-Oscilliscope (++Martin++, Forest) +  Bus pirate (Martin) 
-++Tables++ (more needed) +  BBC micro computer (Martin) 
-++Twitter Feed++ +  Robots (Tom L) 
-++FPGA boards++ +  Posters (Martin) 
-++Clock(Martin)++ +  Glasses 
-++Facebook fan page++ +  Beer (awaiting fridge) 
- -GarethEdwards  DONE: {{image link="" url="" alt="Badge" title="Edinburgh Hacklab"}} +  Dust pan and brush 
-Webcam (see who's in) (++Martin++ (it's a bit crap), Nick, Al+  Videocamera 
-++3D printer (Tom L)++ +  Timelapse of us setting up the hacklab (needs webcam) 
-++Discoball (Martin)++ +  Skype (awaiting computer) 
-++Chairs ( Tom H?)++ +  Plasma/LCD  
-++Consoles (Wii:Tom D )++ +  Clear top table with monitor in the bottom 
-++Projector (Tom D)++ +  Multi-touch table 
-++Signal Generator (GarethEdwards)++ +  TV wall 
-++Kettle (Tom H)++ +  * <del>Hamsters</del>Gerbils (more sociable) 
-++[[ Web presence]] ++ +  Mice 
-++Hoover(laserJohn)++ +  Dry ice 
-++Soundsystem(rjg)++ +  Strobe light 
-++Laser cutter(together)++ +  Artistic floor 
-======Things we still want (with claimed things at the top)====== +  Decoration 
-Mezzanine +  Murals 
-Hammocks +  Extruder 
-New Fridge (Martin?) +  Little trays 
-Plates (Gareth) +  Automated online system for group part orders 
- - Plate procurement fail, someone threw them out -- GarethEdwards +  Members list 
-Peppermint plant (self-sufficiency if connected to a water tube)(Jane) +  Let's trading system (local currency) 
-Laser printer (Martin?) +  Heavy duty iron 
-Blog (Al) +  Vacuum former 
-[[Projection screen | Projector]] +  Membership cards 
-[[Printer  Printer (Martin?)]] +  * <del>T-shirts</del> 
-Book library (all) +  * <del>Underpants</del> 
-Tool library (all) +  * <del>Learning workshops</del> 
-Lava lamp (Martin?) +  Laz0rs 
-Bunsen burner (Tom H) +  Painted walls 
-UAVs (Martin) +  Fluorescent things 
-Coffee machine +  * <del>Magnetic liquids</del> 
-Network equipment (switch, routers) (Martin, Al) +  Tech art 
-Logic analyzer (Forest) +  Scuplture 
-Bus pirate (Martin) +  Bandages 
-BBC micro computer (Martin) +  Aluminium 
-Robots (Tom L) +  Gold mines 
-Posters (Martin) +  Retinal scanner 
-Glasses +  Bizarre security system 
-Beer (awaiting fridge) +  Voice recognition 
-Dust pan and brush +  Amorphous computing 
-Videocamera +  Power sockets built into the desks 
-Timelapse of us setting up the hacklab (needs webcam) +  Tray rack for half-done projects 
-Skype (awaiting computer) +  Videoconferencing 
-Phone (need to investigate) +  Unsecured wireless network with upsidedown images (or rickroll) 
-Resident computers/workstations (project, all to bring bits/find freebies) +  Donation co-ordination system 
-Plasma/LCD  +  Food stash 
-Clear top table with monitor in the bottom +  Water cooler 
-Multi-touch table +  * <del>Home brew kit</del> 
-TV wall +  Beakers 
-Hamsters +  Test tubes 
-Mice +  Elements 
-Dry ice +  Lab coats 
-Strobe light +  * <del>Coat rack</del> 
-Artistic floor +  Sander 
-Decoration +  Jigsaw 
-Murals +  Axe 
-Lathe +  Spade 
-CNC machine +  * <del>Big Fuckoff Whiteboard</del> we have two at the Summerhall lab! 
-Extruder +  Smartboard 
-Well-stocked component drawers +  TV 
-Little trays +  Duct tape (a range of tapes, in fact) 
-Reels of all sorts of wire +  Underfloor heating 
-Automated online system for group part orders +  Fancy dress wardrobe 
-Members list +  Teleportation device 
-Let's trading system (local currency) +  Zero-point gravity field manipulator 
-Heavy duty iron +  Replicator 
-Vacuum former +  Hazmat suit 
-[[ Logo]] +  * <del>Sweets</del> 
-Membership cards +  * <del>Chocolate</del> 
-T-shirts +  * <del>Crisps</del> 
-Underpants +  * <del>Pizza</del> 
-Learning workshops +  Reel-to-reel tape machine 
-Laz0rs +  Tape backup 
-Painted walls +  CD duplicator 
-Fluorescent things +  LAN gaming 
-Hazardous chemicals +  Starcraft 2 
-Magnetic liquids +  * <del>RFID login</del> 
-Tech art +  Fish tank 
-Scuplture +  Sauna 
-Plaster of paris +  Turkish bath 
-Bandages +  Fan 
-Aluminium +  Groupies 
-Gold mines +  Bands 
-Retinal scanner +  Guitars 
-Bizarre security system +  Drums 
-Voice recognition +  Record player 
-Amorphous computing +  First-generation sony walkman 
-Shell server (awaiting hardware) +  Light rigging 
-4-way power things (Ikea/Poundland) +  Special effects 
-Power sockets built into the desks +  Handshakes 
-Tray rack for half-done projects +  Paint 
-Videoconferencing +  Pencils 
-Unsecured wireless network with upsidedown images (or rickroll) +  Drafting board 
-Donation co-ordination system +  Layout board 
-Food stash +  Easel 
-Toaster +  Tab at local pub 
-Water cooler +  Memes 
-Home brew kit +  Board games 
-Beakers +  Role playing games 
-Test tubes +  Card games 
-Elements +  * <del>Recycling station</del> 
-Lab coats +  Laserquest 
-Coat rack +  Paintball 
-Hooks for coats on the door or wall +  Cinema film showings 
-Sander +  Beer and cheese nights 
-Jigsaw +  Cooking 
-Axe +  Comics 
-Spade +  Largest possible sandwich competition 
-Big Fuckoff Whiteboard +  Cosplay 
- - GarethEdwards writes:  Anime 
-JaneMensch: magicwhiteboard might be a temp fix but I find that [[,templateId=popup.html blackboards]] are easier to maintain. +  Music collection exchange 
-Smartboard +  Dvorak keyboard 
-TV +  Sexy parties 
-Lego +  Sweetie jars 
-Duct tape (a range of tapes, in fact) +  Arcade cabinet 
-Server rack (Lack rack) +  Bacteria growing experiments 
-Servers +  Ant colony 
-Air con +  Solar panels 
-Underfloor heating +  Wind turbine 
-Fancy dress wardrobe +  Nuclear reactor 
-Hat rack +  Static electricity generator 
-Teleportation device +  Stirling engine 
-Zero-point gravity field manipulator +  Tesla coil 
-Replicator +  * <del>MIDI keyboard</del> 
-Hazmat suit +  Moog modular synthesizer 
-Sweets +  Guitar hero 
-Chocolate +  Electric drum pads 
-Crisps +  Sport clubs 
-Pizza +  Distillery 
-Bin (Ikea/Poundland) +  Drug lab 
-Mobile phone chargers +  * Rooftop Olympic Swimming Pool 
-Old tech +  * Vocoder 
-Reel-to-reel tape machine +  ZX81 
-Tape backup +  Voice changer (creepy) 
-CD duplicator +  Trampoline 
-LAN gaming +  Comedy box sets 
-Starcraft 2 +  Wares 
-RFID login +  Theatrical productions 
-Fish tank +  Origami 
-Sauna +  Bluetak 
-Turkish bath +  Massage chair 
-Fan +  Motorized armchair 
-Groupies +  Footspa 
-Bands +  Ultrasonic foot bath 
-Guitars +  Uranium bath salt 
-Keyboards +  Uranium glass 
-Drums +  Radon toothpaste 
-Record player +  Anarchist cookbook 
-First-generation sony walkman +  Fly swat 
-Light rigging +  Agent orange 
-Special effects +  Dunce hat 
-Handshakes +  Mini-golf course 
-Stationery +  Flea circus 
-Paper +  Keypads 
-Paint +  Instruments for measuring brain waves 
-Pencils +  Sampler sound board 
-Drafting board +  BBQ 
-Layout board +  * <del>Water feature</del> - Done by Martin 
-Easel +  * Monorail vehicles 
-Tab at local pub +  IRC bot to announce wiki updates 
-Memes +  [[|LED-Throwies]] 
-Board games +  * Plasma cutter 
-Role playing games +  * Plasma table 
-Card games +  * CAN bus 
-Recycling station +  * Compressed air distribution 
-Laserquest +  * Vacuum distribution 
-Paintball +  * 10MHz distribution 
-Cinema film showings +  * Three-phase 
-Beer and cheese nights +  * Forge 
-Cooking +  * Power hammer 
-Comics +  * Press brake 
-Largest possible sandwich competition +
-Cosplay +
-Anime +
-Music collection exchange +
-Dvorak keyboard +
-Sexy parties +
-Sweetie jars +
-A collection of teas +
-Arcade cabinet +
-Bacteria growing experiments +
-Ant colony +
-Solar panels +
-Wind turbine +
-Nuclear reactor +
-LED lights +
-Static electricity generator +
-Stirling engine +
-Tesla coil +
-MIDI keyboard +
-Moog modular synthesizer +
-Guitar hero +
-Electric drum pads +
-Sport clubs +
-Distillery +
-Drug lab +
-Vocoder +
-ZX81 +
-Acorn computer +
-Voice changer (creepy) +
-Trampoline +
-Comedy box sets +
-DVDs +
-Wares +
-Theatrical productions +
-Origami +
-Bluetak +
-Staple gun +
-Massage chair +
-Motorized armchair +
-Footspa +
-Ultrasonic foot bath +
-Uranium bath salt +
-Uranium glass +
-Radon toothpaste +
-Anarchist cookbook +
-Fly swat +
-Agent orange +
-Dunce hat +
-Screws +
-Nails +
-Nuts +
-Bolts +
-Hammer +
-Pilars +
-Marble run +
-Mini-golf course +
-Flea circus +
-Keypads +
-Instruments for measuring brain waves +
-Sampler sound board +
-BBQ +
-Water feature +
-Model railway +
-IRC bot to announce wiki updates +
-[[ LED-Throwies]]+
whatwouldmakethishacklabawesome.txt · Last modified: 2020-06-20 07:09 by river

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