====== Purchases ======
This page is used to track shopping lists and orders that are in progress.
**Does the lab need a thing? Want to help keep things in stock? See the [[purchases_policy|Hacklab Purchases Policy]] to find out how we buy things, and then add things here!**
===== Pending Deliveries =====
===== Small Stuff =====
What small items does the lab need? You can help by doing the research and listing the best item, price and quantity. Preferred suppliers are [[https://cpc.farnell.com|CPC]], [[https://uk.farnell.com/|Farnell]], Amazon and eBay.
==== TODO / Source ====
* [[https://www.jewson.co.uk/p/centrefeed-2ply-blue-roll-400-x-230-EQPR1006|Blue roll]] from [[https://www.jewson.co.uk/branch-finder/edinburgh-timber-branch|Jewson]]
* Printer paper
* Washing up liquid
* AA and AAA batteries.
* Induction hob - Ikea - https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/tillreda-portable-induction-hob-2-zones-white-90497166/
* Backup battery for G11 door (12V 7Ah sealed lead-acid, 1/4" terminals)
* Coffee beans for machine.
* Filters for solder fume extractor FA-400. (I thought I saw some in the lab once upon a time but can't find.)
* Solder wire (thin, leaded).
* Solder paste, small tub.
* Thermal paste
* Flush cutters / side cutters / snips
* Acrylic foam tape preferably clear (e.g. [[https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sanojtape-Superbond-Permanent-Automotive-Waterproof/dp/B076LZXL95/|Sanojtape]])
* Crimpy bois: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/392195418517
* Convection heaters.
==== CPC ====
code,quantity,description <- quick-paste format
CA07116,5,EPCOS X2 0.1uF suppressor cap
CA07117,1,EPCOS X2 0.22uF suppressor cap
PL09466,1,1-Gang Rubber Trailing Socket
TL15759,1,Combination spanners
TL09350,1,Wooden mallet
TL18316,1,Drill gauge metric
TL18317,1,Drill gauge imperial
HSS drill bits?
# old list, check if still required
CN19675,5, 3.5mm connectors for shop
AV11139,2, 3.5mm connectors for tablecable (and one for allie)
D03340,1,desoldering braid 10 pack
HE34786,1,Nitrile Gloves Large x 100
==== Farnell ====
code,quantity,description <- quick-paste format
==== Amazon ====
* [[https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B003NKALBC/ref=ewc_pr_img_1?smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&th=1|TREND DAR200 Digital Angle Rule, 20cm]]
* [[https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00CEXR8ZG/ref=ewc_pr_img_2?smid=A1L33HI8UP9H90&psc=1|Wixey USA Digital Angle Gauge Inclinometer with Magnetic Base]]
* NFC keyfobs, one of:
* https://amzn.eu/d/e1jAM3U (10 for £6)
* https://amzn.eu/d/4Pq8drY (50 for £14)
* https://amzn.eu/d/eZBGM0H (100 for £25)
* https://amzn.eu/d/bzELbSF (100 for £19, multicolour!)
==== eBay/banggood ====
* 0603 SMT resistors/caps
* I2C LCD adapter (re-stock for Tim)
* [[https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/384233510228|Sonoff BasicR2 x3]] (we used the 3 we had)
* Bandsaw blade 2896mm x 13mm x 10/14TPI - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/293883418641
* https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/224448044824 ("ALL 3 SIZES" - "MALE TO FEMALE MF")
==== RS ====
==== IKEA ====
==== Screwfix ====
==== Costco ====
==== Other ====
* null modem / serial breakouts
* [[https://www.dream3d.co.uk/product/ultimaker-2-glass-build-plate/|Ultimaker 2 Glass Build Plate (our one is very scratched up)]] Lets maybe wait until its more scratched up
===== Small Tools =====
^ Tool ^ Cost ^
| VDE tools (screwdrivers, pliers, cutters, voltage tester) |[[https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wera-05135961001-Screwdriver-Kraftform-PlusSerie/dp/B00TJ3J7MG/|£26.99]] or [[https://www.amazon.co.uk/160-Screwdriver-Kraftform-Plus-pieces/dp/B004WI1WCQ/|£49.39]]|
| Combination spanners, replacement/spares | |
| Hole reamer | [[http://amzn.eu/cmG6rHp|£20]] or [[https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/hand-reamer-bits/0456894/|£48]] |
===== Health and Safety =====
^ Tool ^ Cost ^
| PAT Tester | £260 |
| PAT Labels | £26 |
| First aid kit, eye wash stations | £120 |
| Chemical storage cabinet | £150-250 |
| RCD sockets for G14 electronics area (8 twin sockets) | See below |
| Workshop Aprons, decent quality waxed canvas - best 2 of them| [[https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B071CQGGCR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_uvomCb6VNDQDN|£16.99]] |
| [[https://smokeandmirrors.store/products/pollycarbonate-10-6|Laser Safety Goggles]] | £25 |
Better safety overspectacles:
* [[https://www.screwfix.com/p/jsp-stealth-coverlite-clear-lens-overspectacle/443fr|JSP Stealth Coverlite]] - £8.99
* [[https://www.screwfix.com/p/swiss-one-coversight-clear-lens-safety-specs/6229x|Swiss One Coversight]] - £5.99
* [[https://www.screwfix.com/p/univet-5x7-ultimate-clear-lens-safety-overspecs/3801f|Univet 5x7 Ultimate]] - £12.99
* [[https://www.screwfix.com/p/bolle-overlight-clear-lens-overspecs-small/4720f|Bolle Overlight Small]] - £6.99
* [[https://cpc.farnell.com/3m/1751180000m/over-glasses-ox-clear/dp/HE32097|3M]] - £4.73
The only prescription safety glasses site that actually mentions pricing: https://www.safetyspecs.co.uk/
==== Fire Extinguishers ====
* [[https://www.thesafetycentre.co.uk/firechief-400ml-lith-ex-fire-extinguisher-aerosol-fle400|Lith-Ex (For lithium battery fires)]]
Water Mist:
* https://www.safelincs.co.uk/ultrafire-water-mist-fire-extinguishers/
* https://www.nationwidefireextinguishers.co.uk/dry-water-mist-fire-extinguishers-220-c.asp
===== Air compressor =====
* Big enough to serve multiple users in multiple rooms
* Quiet enough for the workshop, or able to be boxed-in with acoustic panels
* Air lines to other rooms
Cheap-Powerful-Quiet: pick two. Tim suggests that we go for a quiet oil-less 25-50L system. It would be sufficient for adhoc dust blowing, nail guns and other low-power tools, but not for heavy-duty tools (sanding, die-grinders, impact drivers). We have Makita for those.
Optionally, run a hose to G14 and we could get a pnuematic glue/solder-paste dispenser for SMD work.
[[https://www.amazon.co.uk/ORAZIO-241184-Silent-Oiless-Compressor/dp/B00KDEVR9G|Orazio 24L compressor]] £130 (£240 for 45L model). This is a cheap Chinese option. Reviews are mostly okay, but there might be some quality control issues where we have to make minor fixes before use.
[[https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dusters-CompuCleaner-Xpert-Electric-Duster/dp/B01G1Z0RF0|CompuCleaner electric duster]] is good for IT work.
===== Electronics (G14) =====
* 4x twin RCD sockets on each side of the room
* 2x network ports on each side of the room
* Replace socket nearest sink with an RCD socket, use the original to replace faulty socket on the other wall
* Install FCU for door controller
We already have 1 FCU in the store room.
* 10x 2G RCD sockets (1 extra to replace faulty socket, 1 extra for G1 radio corner)
* £13.62 each https://www.screwfix.com/p/british-general-900-series-13a-2-gang-sp-switched-passive-rcd-socket-white/3133j
* 9x 2G MT brand trunking back box (1 extra for G1 radio corner)
* £2.12 each https://www.cef.co.uk/catalogue/products/1066845-2-gang-30mm-outlet-box-for-maxi-trunking-white-sold-in-1-s
* 2x 1G twin network socket faceplate
* £0.76 each https://www.cef.co.uk/catalogue/products/1146410-single-plate-twin-aperture-for-media-modules-white
* 3x 1G MT brand trunking back box (1 extra for door lock FCU)
* £2.17 each https://www.cef.co.uk/catalogue/products/1066843-1-gang-30mm-outlet-box-white-sold-in-1-s
* 4x keystone jack
* £4.91 each https://www.cef.co.uk/catalogue/products/5235-rj45-catagory-5e-module
* 8m of 4mm² single cable in all of live/neutral/earth
* £36.12 https://www.cef.co.uk/catalogue/products/1958940-6491x-4mm-pvc-single-core-blue-100m-drum
* £36.12 https://www.cef.co.uk/catalogue/products/2302750-6491x-4mm-single-core-brown-100m-drum
* £9.99 https://www.screwfix.com/p/nexans-conduit-wiring-cable-6491x-1-core-4mm-x-25m-green-yellow/258fk
* CEF £119.43 arriving 2020-02-10
* Screwfix £146.19
* Total £265.62