Trying to log in? Use your Hacklab single sign-on. [[|Create an account or reset your password]]. [[|Go to the start page]] for quick links to other lab services. ===== Edinburgh Hacklab ===== The purposes of the Hacklab are: * To promote and encourage technical, scientific and artistic skills, as well as innovation through individual projects, collaboration and education; * To provide open events to allow the wider community to meet and socialise together; * To promote and support the use and development of free and open technologies, standards, ideas, hardware and software for the benefit of all; * To provide a shared physical workspace, tools, storage and other resources for its members; * To work with other bodies with similar or complementary objectives. Members may access the [[private:start|Members Area]] for meeting minutes and accounts. ===== Hacklab People and Groups ===== * [[people:index|People]] - Meet the gang, add yourself! * [[groups:|Groups]] - See the Interest Groups and join in * [[ehyc|Edinburgh Hacklab Yacht Club (EHYC)]] ===== Using the Lab ===== * [[welcome|Guide for new members]] * [[rubbishrecycling|Rubbish Recycling]] * [[behaviour_guidelines|Expected behaviour in the lab]] * [[:antiharassment|Anti-harrassment policy]] * [[heating|Heating]] * [[website|Hacklab Website]] * Safety Topics: * [[fire_safety|Fire Safety]] * [[batteries|Using rechargeable batteries]] * [[covid19visitors|COVID-19 Visitor Information]] ===== Tools, Equipment and Spaces ===== === G1 Social Space === * [[radio:start|Radio corner]] * [[g1-amp|A/V]] * [[g1_lighting|Lighting]] * [[hackbank|Hackbank]] * [[library|Library]] * [[projector|Projector]] == G1 Kitchen == * [[groups:kitchen|Kitchen Group]] * [[dishwasher|Dishwasher]] * [[drinks|Drinks fridge: Price and caffeination guide]] === Laser Cutting === * [[lasercutter|Laser Cutter]] * [[lasercutter2|Laser Cutter #2]] * [[lasercutter_tips_and_tricks|Laser cutting tips and tricks]] * [[lasermaterials|Laser materials price list]] See the [[groups:laser|Laser Cutting Interest Group]] === 3D printing === * [[ultimaker2|Ultimaker 2]] (see also [[3dprinters|3D Printers]]) * [[Prusa i3 MK 3]] (see also [[3dprinters|3D Printers]]) * [[voron_2_4_r2|Voron 2.4 r2]] (see also [[3dprinters|3D Printers]]) * [[3dscanner|3D Scanner]] * [[plasticrecycling|Plastic recycling (Filament Shredder)]] currently out of commission See the [[groups:3dprinting|3D Printing Interest Group]] === G8 Workshop and Tools === * [[emco_compact5_lathe|Emco Compact 5 Lathe]] * [[pillardrill|Pillar Drill]] * [[startrite_bandsaw|Startrite Bandsaw]] * [[router|Router (and table)]] * [[pcbetching|PCB etching equipment]] * [[aircompressor|Air compressor]] * [[grinder|Rexon bench grinder]] * [[clarke_metalworker_cmd10_mill|Clarke Metalworker CMD10 mill]] == CNC == * [[denfordnovaturn|Denford Novaturn Lathe]] * [[denfordnovamill|Denford Novamill]] * [[unimaticcncrouter|Unimatic CNC Router]] == Metalwork == * [[bantam_lathe|Colchester Bantam Mk1 Lathe]] * [[tigwelder|TIG Welder]] === Electronics === * Soldering * [[aoyuesolderingstation|Aoyue Soldering Station]] * [[TENMA_soldering_station]] * [[T-962A|Infrared IC Heater]] * Scopes * [[rigolds1102d|Rigol DS1102D Oscilloscope]] * Power Supplies * [[labpsu|Lab Power Supply]] * Test Equipment * [[seaward_primetest_100|Seaward PrimeTest 100]] PAT tester * [[fpgadevboards|FPGA Development Boards]] * See [[groups:electronics|Electronics Interest Group]] === Textiles === * [[juki-dln-415-2|Juki DLN-415-2 Industrial Sewing Machine]] * [[brother-es-2000|Brother Domestic Sewing Machine]] **BROKEN** * Another Singer sewing machine (on loan) * [[Singer_knit_machine|Knitting Machine]] * [[dye_sub|Dye sub printer + Heat press]] === Gort! Klaatu barada nikto! === * [[industrialrobotarm|Industrial Robot Arm]] === IT === * [[it|IT]] * [[projector|Projector]] * [[printer|Printer]] * [[ircterm|IRC Terminal]] * [[mqtt|MQTT message bus (instrumentation)]] * [[squawk|Audio alerts (squawk)]] * Servers * [[servers|Hacklab Servers]] * [[serverhosting|Server Hosting]] * [[network2017|Network Tidy-up 2017]] * [[door_access_controllers|Door Access Controllers]] * [[tool_access_controllers|Tool Access Controllers]] * [[acorncomputers|BBC/Acorn Computers]] See the [[groups:network|Network Interest Group]] === Amateur Radio === * [[hams|Amateur Radio]] - Amateur radio & the Hacklab * [[groups:radio|Radio Interest Group]] ===== Projects ===== ==== Newer, maybe more organised project pages ==== [[membersprojects:start|Projects]] ==== Older project pages ==== * [[lдsзя_cцttэя|Costa's crazy LASER CUTTER project]] * [[Lora|LoraWAN/Things Network]] * [[blinkenlights|BlinkenLights]] * [[bt|BT Payphone]] * [[softwareprojects|Software Projects...]] * [[USB temperature sensor]] * [[kinect3dscanning|Kinect 3D scanning]] * [[sdr|Software Defined Radio]] * [[Monorail]] * [[dorkbotAlba|dorkbot ALBA]] * [[WaldFloete|dorkbot ALBA: WaldFlöte]] * [[Waterfall | Hacklab Waterfall]] * [[bookscanner|DIY Book Scanner]] * [[oberheimmatrix1000|Oberheim Matrix 1000]] * [[rgb_ledstrip_for_g1|Pledge to get the addressable RGB lights for G1]] * [[Pledge for Vacuum Pump|Pledge for Vacuum Pump]] * [[Pledge for large LiPo Battery pack|Pledge for large LiPo Battery pack]] * [[toollockers|NFC-enabled Tool Lockers]] ===== Events ===== * [[tfp|Tinfoil Hat Party]] * [[sff|Science Festival Fringe]] * [[raftrace|Raft Race]] * [[emfcamp2014|EMF Camp 2014]] * [[emfcamp2016|EMF Camp 2016]] * [[emfcamp2018|EMF Camp 2018]] * [[emfcamp2020|EMF Camp 2020]] * [[emfcamp2022|EMF Camp 2022]] * [[emfcamp2024|EMF Camp 2024]] ===== Other ===== * [[suppliers|Suppliers]] - Where to buy stuff * [[clutter|Clutter]], [[loans|Loaned Equipment]] and the start of an [[thing:start|asset database]] * [[workshops:main_page|Workshops]] * [[swapshop|Swap Shop]] ===== How Can I Help? ===== * [[wishlist|Donate something that we need...]] * [[todo|To-Do (How can I help?)]] More information about Edinburgh Hacklab is available on our [[|main website]]. Members may access the [[private:start|Members Area]].