Table of Contents


Team Members
Directors see Directors
Electronics important - volunteers needed electronics group
Workshop (including G2 machine tools) important - volunteers needed workshop group
Laser Cutting laser group
3D Printing 3dprinting group
Radio Corner radio group
Server Rack and Network sysadmin group
Shop Logan Tarvit
Membership Simon Arlott
Communications Logan Tarvit
Open Nights
Social Convenors
Finance Cameron Sharp

Area Teams

Each team would take responsibility for:

Other Admin

Drinks Manager: re-orders coffee and soft drinks, keeps the fridge stocked and the coffee machine working.

Shop Manager: selecting products, determining prices, ordering stock, keeping shelves filled.

Membership Secretary: accepting applications, tracking approval and signup process, providing information to new members, handling resignations. [currently filled by Simon, mentioned for completeness]

Communications: social media, enquiries, mailing lists.

Open Night Guides: [see previous thread]

Finance: keeping the books [] up to date, processing expenses, checking that memberships are being paid, preparing accounts [these tasks currently fall to the Treasurer, but it would be useful to share that workload and provide a path for new treasurers].