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The G1 heater thermostat can be set from the control panel or mqtt.

The G14 heater is manual.

There is also central heating from Summerhall, which is switched on rarely. Panels are above the windows of G1, and above the test gear in G14. It can by adjusted with the knobs.

Implementation Details

The electric heater in G1 is controlled by multiple WiFi switched sockets. Room temperature is determined by the wireless sensor with DS18B20, LDR, and two AA batteries on the G1 table, the thermostat is a python script at carbon:/srv/docker/py3scripts/scripts/thermostat.

Target temperature can be changed by MQTT Message Bus messages, which can be sent by the control panel in G1, or by your computer.


  • Put plug stats into Grafana
  • Warn when the heater power is set too high and turn the plug off
  • Automate the plugs based on the temperature setting and presence

Example Stats

  • tasmota_G1R_D5A509 (G1 Radio 500W)
  • tasmota_G1K_D5A50B (G1 Kitchen 500W)
  • tasmota_G1T_D5A552 (G1 Table 900W)
  • tasmota_G1E_D5CF1A (G1 Electronics 1000W)
  • tasmota_G2_D5CF2B (G2 - no heater)
  • tasmota_G14_D5ED10 (G14 500W)

plug/tasmota_G1T_D5A552/tele/SENSOR {“Time”:“2024-11-23T15:49:42”,“ENERGY”:{“TotalStartTime”:“2024-11-23T13:18:27”,“Total”:0.812,“Yesterday”:0.000,“Today”:0.812,“Period”:98,“Power”:1171,“ApparentPower”:1171,“ReactivePower”:0,“Factor”:1.00,“Voltage”:244,“Current”:3.823}}

plug/tasmota_G1K_D5A50B/tele/STATE {“Time”:“2024-11-23T15:49:48”,“Uptime”:“0T00:05:10”,“UptimeSec”:310,“Heap”:24,“SleepMode”:“Dynamic”,“Sleep”:50,“LoadAvg”:20,“MqttCount”:1,“POWER”:“ON”,“Wifi”:{“AP”:1,“SSId”:“LabThings”,“BSSId”:“22:E8:29:C1:FD:B1”,“Channel”:6,“Mode”:“11n”,“RSSI”:98,“Signal”:-51,“LinkCount”:1,“Downtime”:“0T00:00:04”}}

heating.1732373959.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-11-23 14:59 by simon

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