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Tinfoil hat party

Overall goal:Increase capability of citizens to create privacy. Date: 2013-10-11 Venue: Main room of the Edinburgh Hacklab

Good old e-mail

Conduct a workshop that raises awareness that methods to send and receive encrypted emails are on hand. Train people with no public key, to generate a key pair with the applicable attributes. Enable them through a workshop to incorporate their key into the open source e-mail client Thunderbird. Confirm that every participant of the workshop, understands how to send and receive an encrypted e-mail. Wear a tinfoil hat while you explain the different underlining security scenarios.

What is needed to make it happen

  • Participants (max 10 people, no dogs :))
  • What OS is used
  • Workshop hosts: rhapsodhy, Jane, Alex
  • Trainingsmaterial
  • 3h
tfp.1377969662.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015-10-05 15:55 (external edit)

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