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Tinfoil hat party

Overall goal:Increase capability of citizens to create privacy. Date: 2013-10-11 Venue: Main room of the Edinburgh Hacklab

Good old e-mail

Conduct a workshop that raises awareness that methods to send and receive encrypted emails are on hand. Train people with no public key, to generate a key pair with the applicable attributes. Enable them through a workshop to incorporate their key into the open source e-mail client Thunderbird. Confirm that every participant of the workshop, understands how to send and receive an encrypted e-mail. Wear a tinfoil hat while you explain the different underlining security scenarios.

What is needed to make it happen

  • Participants (max 10 people)
  • What OS is used
  • Workshop hosts: rhapsodhy, Jane, Alex
  • Trainings material
  • 3h

We discussed to provide a workshop about disc encryption at the same evening. The challenge here is, that on top of providing applicable training material about disc encryption, more resource are needed to get a neat USB sticks done. I am not entirely sure if we have the capacity to do this on the first night. (Maybe an other go in Nov.) I am planning to limit the workshop content just to Thunderbird. I know there are x millions e-mail clients out there but I don't have the time to lock into all of them. It might be the best to promote the event early and see if enough participants would go for this selection.

What is lacking is play: what do people belief is private/public.

I would like to do the black bar over the eyes video display but FaceOSC limits me to one face at the time. So I thought to get a monitor and a frame and fake a mirror. This mirror would display you but not your eyes. Maybe replace it with the mirror in the toilet. (Private room AND less faces to track).

An other way is looking into OpenCV, to check if a lib. supports multiple face recognition.

Also I don't like this Alice and Bob story, either this gets replaced with Romeo and Juliet or a famous homosexual couple. If you have a suggestions, feel free to share them. I know everyone is in for NSA, but I am tired of that. The wish to have privacy was around before and will be after. We are not aware about the extend our private data is used for or against us but somehow this tech is also something we can hack and use for our purposes. (end of the bla bla part :))

Anyway, maybe you have some ideas, how to hack ideas/misunderstandings/hopes about privacy.

I am moving now for a few weeks to Germany. I am looking forward to catch you on IRC/Skype/Phone soonish. This Sunday is the IRC meeting of the tin foil hat party at the lab IRC channel, please feel free to join in.

tfp.1378383767.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015-10-05 15:55 (external edit)

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