====== WiFi ======
===== Connecting to the Wifi =====
^ SSID ^ Mode ^ Description ^
| Hacklab | 2.4GHz/5GHz WPA2 | General access. Password posted on the wall in G1. |
| spacenet | 2.4GHz/5GHz WPA2 Enterprise | Inter-hackspace roaming wifi. See below. |
Only spacenet is available in the roof space. This is to provide authenticated access to Hacklabbers working on radio projects, without sharing our internet connection with the entire neighbourhood.
===== Spacenet =====
[[https://spacefed.net/index.php?title=Spacenet|Spacenet]] is a federated authentication system for secure roaming (wireless) network access across hackerspaces and community events.
This means you can connect your device to the **spacenet** SSID using your Edinburgh Hacklab account, and it will automatically re-connect at other participating hackerspaces and hacker events (like EMF Camp).
Hacklab users should connect with //username//@ehlab.uk, using their Edinburgh Hacklab account credentials. The following EAP protocols are known to work:
* PEAPv1 + GTC
* PEAPv0 + MSCHAPv2 - no longer supported
* TTLS + MSCHAPv2 - no longer supported
Configure your client to use the [[https://edinburghhacklab.com/spacenet-certificate.pem|CA certificate]] for the ehlab.uk authentication server. Our certificate SHA-256 fingerprint is:
===== Technical =====
See [[network|Network]].