Donated to the Lab by Pidge
See costs
Machine can handle PLA and PETG, however the temp limit for it is 230 degrees at the hotend. Anything higher will trigger a failsafe shutdown.
The bed's temperature limit is 70 degrees.
I never had the chance to test TPU with it, but it does run a Direct Drive extruder, so it should work as long as the material can be printed under the above constraints. Make sure you use glue stick on the bed beforehand, as to not damage the glass bed.
The machine does Autolevel before every print using a BLTouch probe.
For offsets, please see Klipper's Probe Calibration docs
This printer is equipped with an Orbiter V2 Filament Sensor, which communicates with the printer via a Seeedstudio XIAO RP2040 flashed with another instance of Klipper.
The filament sensor has 2 switches that can be used to trigger different macros:
Pressing the button at the top of the sensor will trigger the Filament Unload Macro.
Pushing filament into the filament sensor will trigger the Filament Load Macro
You may access the web interface via http://aquila.hacklab
If something has crashed, use Firmware Restart → Restart Klipper inside the system sidebar. If this does not work try a power cycle.
You may use whichever slicer you prefer. The machine acts as an Ender3 V2 clone, so any E3V2 profile should work for it.
If you use PrusaSlicer, you can download the config bundle for the printer here
To import the preset use: “File > Import > Config Bundle”
Make sure that the “Use Firmware Retraction” option under “Printers > General (Expert Mode)” is turned off, otherwise the printer will use whatever retraction values are set on Fluidd.