Table of Contents

Bottled Drinks

Caffeination Guide

Drink Caffeine mg / 100ml
BumbleZest Mate/Matcha/Coffee 32
Fritz Cola 25
Fritz Mate 25
Fritz Coffee 25
Club Mate 20
Club Mate Cola 15
Mischmasch 6.5
Pepsi Max “Caffeine is used in Pepsi Max as a flavouring. The exact amount is a trade secret but we can tell you that all Pepsi Max flavours contain less than half the caffeine found in a cup of tea or coffee.”


Club Mate 500ml £2.00
Club Mate 330ml £1.50
Mate Cola 330ml £1.50
BumbleZest Mate/Matcha/Coffee £1.50
Fritz Mate/Kola/Limo/Spritz/Coffee 330ml £1.50
MISCHMASCH 330ml £1.50
ChariTea Sparkling Mate £1.60
Pepsi Max 50p

Tasting Notes / Trip Reports

BumbleZest Mate/etc

River reports: Drunk one can in a few minutes. CINNAMON! After you get over that, light lemon, fairly strong carbonic acid flavour. Moderate to mild matcha and mate flavours. Mouthfeel: Pleasantly light, sparkling, making a change from the typical syrupy mate. Body feel: mild heart palpitations. Mild increase in skin sensation and sound perception. Very refreshing, easy drinking, if you can deal with the cinnamon.

Charitea Mate

River: Honey, tangerine. Lighter flavour than traditional mates - drops the caramel and tobacco of Club Mate. Probably due to black tea composition, which is evident. Syrupy mouthfeel. Pleasant, drinkable.


Drinks are ordered from Alter Drinks and Green City. Ordering details can be found at drinks. Ordering should be done by the drinks manager.

Evelyn has created a shop interest group to discuss purchases: This group has proven to be controversial and the current drinks manager is not a member.

Some people like 500ml bottles of Club Mate, and some prefer 330ml. It's worth getting both. 500ml bottles fit in the top wine rack section of the fridge.

There is a Google Spreadsheet where we track bar stock. We're not very good at this, so sometimes we order too much of one thing, or not enough of another thing. Ideally, we should be counting stock every other week, or failing that, monthly.

Re-stocking the fridge

Everyone should lend a hand in re-stocking the fridge.

The fridge currently has two shelves, and two weird wine-rack shelf things.

Fridge hardware

The fridge is a Samsung wine fridge. The manual explains how to use the control panel.

You can set the temperature to 11 degrees (red wine), 7 degrees (white wine) or custom (lowest value 4 degrees). The custom setting resets itself every time the fridge loses power so the manual above shows how to set it. It is a bit annoying and fiddly.

See Also