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G1 Refurbishment

The general plan of refurbishment of G1 (the main room) is to make it nicer and more welcoming.


The Plan™

Get the floor done while the lab is closed. Rip almost everything out of G1. Move in only the necessary bits.


  1. Prep G1 for flooring people
    • Create schedule for work
    • Move everything out of the room (includes clearing the fridge, dishwasher etc.)
    • Remove old linoleum
    • Remove coathanger board
    • Pay final 50% of flooring cost
  2. Order/make new tables
  3. Get a second sofa & coffee table
  4. Get a bookshelf
  5. Clean up the kitchen
  6. Remove old rubbish
  7. ???


  • Do we want new chairs too?
  • Do we want a notice board?
  • Do we make tables or buy them/pay someone to make them?
  • How do we organise work to maintain social distancing?
  • Does anyone know an interior designer to help us with planning?


  1. Floor: 1602
g1_refurbishment.1591967844.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020-06-12 13:17 by marcin

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