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lasercutter2 [2021-11-24 11:54] – [Log] simonlasercutter2 [2025-02-25 14:07] (current) – 2025-02-22 Guide laser is not working simon
Line 11: Line 11:
 {{:large_laser_cutter.jpg?300}} {{:large_laser_cutter.jpg?300}}
 +See also: 
 +  * [[lasercutter|Laser Cutter #1]], the machine located opposite Laser Cutter #2
 +  * [[lasercutter_tips_and_tricks|Laser cutting tips and tricks]]
 +  * [[lasermaterials|Laser materials price list]]
 +**Save your project file on the local disk if it's complex otherwise the software will be excessively slow (because the latency of the network share slows down the compile process).**
 ===== Safety ===== ===== Safety =====
Line 19: Line 25:
 {{:flameyboi.jpg?direct&800|}} {{:flameyboi.jpg?direct&800|}}
 +===== Prices =====
 +See [[lasercutter#prices]].
 ===== Recommended Settings ===== ===== Recommended Settings =====
Line 25: Line 35:
 The test were done in the centre of the cutting bed. The test were done in the centre of the cutting bed.
-^ Material ^ Cut Speed ^ Cut Power ^ Notes ^ +^ Material ^^ Cut Speed ^ Cut Power ^ Notes ^ 
-Acrylic 1mm | 30 | 40 | Miron | +Acrylic 1mm | 30 | 40 | Miron | 
-Acrylic 2mm | 28 | 100 | Miron | +:::     2mm | 28 | 100 | Miron | 
-Acrylic 3mm | 17 | 100 | David | +:::     3mm | 17 | 100 | David | 
-Acrylic 4mm | 15 | 100 | Miron | +:::     4mm | 15 | 100 | Miron | 
-Acrylic 5mm | 12 | 100 | Miron | +:::     5mm | 12 | 100 | Miron | 
-Acrylic 8mm | 4 | 100 | David | +:::     8mm | 4 | 100 | David | 
-Acrylic 10mm | 3 | 100 | Miron | +:::     10mm | 3 | 100 | Miron | 
-| Ply 3mm | 30 | 100 | Miron - cuts simple things fine at speed 50, but stutters when cutting curves30 is safer | +||||| 
-Ply 4mm | 20 | 100 | Miron | +Ply     | 3mm | 30 | 100 | Miron - speed 50 cuts fine, but stutters at curves30 is safer | 
-Ply 6mm | 9 | 100 | Miron | +:::     4mm | 20 | 100 | Miron | 
-| MDF 2mm | 30 | 100 | Miron | +:::     6mm | 9 | 100 | Miron | 
-MDF 3mm | 22 | 100 | Miron | +||||| 
-MDF 4mm | 16 | 100 | Miron | +MDF     | 2mm | 30 | 100 | Miron | 
-MDF 6mm | 10 | 100 | Miron | +:::     3mm | 22 | 100 | Miron | 
-Paper |  |  |  | +:::     4mm | 16 | 100 | Miron | 
-| Card (200gsm) | 40-55 | 30 | Scott | +:::     6mm | 10 | 100 | Miron | 
-| Card fold line (200gsm) | 100 | 30 | Scott | +||||| 
-Engraving Laminate 1.5mm 50 | 100 | Miron | +^ Laminate | 1.5mm | 50 | 100 | Miron | 
-| Engraving Laminate 3mm |  |  |  |+| :::                | 3mm |  |  |  
 +| ||||| 
 +^ PTFE (Teflon) | 1mm | 35 | 100 | Mike | 
 +| ||||
 +| Card (200gsm) || 40-55 | 30 | Scott | 
 +| Card fold line (200gsm) || 100 | 30 | Scott | 
 +Paper        ||  |  |  |
 ^ Material ^ Engrave Speed ^ Engrave Power ^ Notes ^ ^ Material ^ Engrave Speed ^ Engrave Power ^ Notes ^
Line 59: Line 75:
 Before general use: Before general use:
-  * <del>Create and fit a bracket to hold the air assist tube away from the drive belt 
-  * <del>Clean laser tube water channels</del> 
-  * <del>Test optical power output and calibrate to a sensible maximum (e.g. 66% of peak rating)</del> 
-  * <del>Create chart of power/speed settings for common materials (as a basic rule, multiply speeds from the old chart by 3x)</del> 
-  * <del>Documentation for existing laser cutter users</del> 
   * Update docs:   * Update docs:
     * If Z-axis needs to be moved, take care not to crash into the nozzle. Releasing the nozzle locking ring will allow the nozzle to collapse instead of crashing.      * If Z-axis needs to be moved, take care not to crash into the nozzle. Releasing the nozzle locking ring will allow the nozzle to collapse instead of crashing. 
-  * <del>**Fix extraction**</del> 
-    * <del>Fume extraction is unacceptable at the moment. Fumes or light haze will fill the room. This appears to be caused by fumes re-entering via the window, and not by lack of extraction in the cutter itself.</del> 
-    * <del>Possible solution: seal the window properly.</del> Better seals have been installed and the situation is better, but not good enough. 
-    * <del>Possible solution: divert the fumes up or down away from the window.</del> 
 Soon, but don't wait: Soon, but don't wait:
-  * <del>Fit replacement alignment laser (ordered 6th April)</del> 
-  * <del>Fit extraction duct mountings on right-hand access door (order delayed, re-sent 10th April) 
-  * <del>Create spare focus jigs (requires 12mm acrylic, or a new design)</del> 
   * Build and install monitoring system (laser usage, temperature logging)   * Build and install monitoring system (laser usage, temperature logging)
-  * <del>Fully check and adjust alignment</del> 
-  * <del>Re-level bed. 
 Later: Later:
   * Order spares: silicone tubing, <del>mirrors, lens,</del> rotary attachment o-rings   * Order spares: silicone tubing, <del>mirrors, lens,</del> rotary attachment o-rings
-  * <del>Purchase and install tinted polycarbonate window, 1185x920mm.</del> +  * <del>Replace broken acrylic cover on front-loading slot.</del> make the two halves of front loading slot not fall off by cutting an extra slot into each of them and adding an extra screw to secure them in the middle 
-  * <del>Install vent in G2 door to provide better air flow.</del> +  * Design and make a better rotary tool
-  * <del>Upgrade internal (to chassis) extraction ducts (use PU ducts instead of foil, merge rear and hopper 100mm ducts into a 150mm duct for egress). Optionally replace flexible door-join with a foam seal. **ACTION: MIKE**</del> +
-  * <del>Upgrade cutter-to-blower duct to PU or semi-flexible aluminium 150mm. **ACTION: MIKE** +
-</del> +
-  * <del>Install ducts to roof and upgrade blower, to avoid releasing fumes onto courtyard users.</del> **ACTION: PETE** +
-  * <del>Install LED lighting. **ACTION: ALFIE**</del> +
-  * Replace broken acrylic cover on front-loading slot.+
 ===== Guide for existing laser cutter users ===== ===== Guide for existing laser cutter users =====
Line 109: Line 102:
   * The enclosure is very large and smoke/fumes take longer to clear. Leave the case closed for 10 seconds after cutting to allow the extraction system to catch up.   * The enclosure is very large and smoke/fumes take longer to clear. Leave the case closed for 10 seconds after cutting to allow the extraction system to catch up.
   * The air assist is adjustable. Always make sure that it's enabled (on the top control panel) and that the valve (on the right hand side) is open. It's okay to reduce the air assist for delicate materials like paper, but there should always be **some** air flow enabled to protect the lens.   * The air assist is adjustable. Always make sure that it's enabled (on the top control panel) and that the valve (on the right hand side) is open. It's okay to reduce the air assist for delicate materials like paper, but there should always be **some** air flow enabled to protect the lens.
-  * <del>The window is clear. This should absorb the infra-red laser, but it doesn't block much of the visible flash when the laser hits the honeycomb bed. So **don't stare directly at the cutting point**.</del> 
   * The window is **tinted as all hell**. This should absorb the infra-red laser and most of the light from the laser. Emphasis on the **should**.   * The window is **tinted as all hell**. This should absorb the infra-red laser and most of the light from the laser. Emphasis on the **should**.
 ===== Checklists ===== ===== Checklists =====
Line 182: Line 174:
   * if the temperature doesn't fall then there is probably a fault   * if the temperature doesn't fall then there is probably a fault
   * even if the temperature does fall, **REPORT A FAULT** as the chiller should normally be able to keep up   * even if the temperature does fall, **REPORT A FAULT** as the chiller should normally be able to keep up
 +===== Other Specifications (for maintenance) ===== 
 +Water tubing: silicone, 12mm OD, 8mm ID, 2mm wall\\
 +Chiller: CW-5200\\
 +Air assist compressor: Hailea ACO-328\\
 +Air assist tubing: silicone, 12mm OD, 8mm ID, 2mm wall\\
 +Mirrors: 3x 25mm diameter\\
 +Lens: ZnSe, 20mm diameter, 50.8mm focus\\
 +Laser PSU: Reci DY20\\
 +Laser tube: ZN-1650 (130W rated power, 150W max, 30mA)
 +===== Resources =====
 +  * {{ :jd90125.pdf | JD90125 manual }}
 +  * {{ :lasercut5.3-software_manual-v1.6.pdf | LaserCut 5.3 manual }}
 +  * {{ :cw-5000_5200_industrial_chiller_user_manual.pdf | CW-5200 Chiller Manual }}
 +  * {{ :cw-5000_5200_industrial_chiller_maintenance_manual.pdf | CW-5200 Maintenance Manual }}
 +  * {{ :reci_dy10_dy13_dy20.pdf | Reci DY20 manual }}
 +  * {{ :private:20130508-lasercutter-service-report.pdf |Laser cutter service report 2013-05-08}}
 +  * {{ |}} - software supplied with laser cutter
 +  * {{ |}} - backup of previous owner's LaserCut53 installation
 +  * {{ :mpc6515hardwaremanual.pdf | MPC6515 controller manual }}
 +  * [[|Bristol Hackspace's guide to LaserCut 5.3]]
 +===== Access Control =====
 +The access control unit will be external to the laser cutter chassis and connected by a cable:
 +  * GND
 +  * 5V supply (from laser cutter, always on)
 +  * Enable power-up (open drain)
 +  * Current clamp A
 +  * Current clamp B
 +  * (additional pins may be required for better active/idle detection)
 +===== Monitoring =====
 +An external unit will contain an ESP8266 and LCD. It will connect to the main chassis by cable:
 +  * GND
 +  * 5V supply (from laser cutter, always on or switched)
 +  * One wire bus for DS18B20 temperature sensors
 +  * I2C SDA
 +  * I2C SCL
 +  * Laser enable pin
 +  * Laser power level pin
 +  * Laser powered-up signal?
 +  * Laser cutter in use signal?
 +The monitoring device will:
 +  * Log laser tube time
 +  * Log temperatures (ambient, coolant out/return, bed, exhaust)
 +  * Detect cutting sessions and report the most recent on the LCD
 +  * Potentially, log fume/particulate levels
 ===== Log ===== ===== Log =====
Line 232: Line 281:
 2021-11-24: 2021-11-24:
   * "Both Y and Z axes weren't moving - I spent a while with it tonight and figured out and fixed the Y axis - stepper driver wasn't getting power - but haven't been able to fix Z. It's not the same problem, Z driver is lighting up, it just won't move." (Julian)   * "Both Y and Z axes weren't moving - I spent a while with it tonight and figured out and fixed the Y axis - stepper driver wasn't getting power - but haven't been able to fix Z. It's not the same problem, Z driver is lighting up, it just won't move." (Julian)
-===== Other Specifications (for maintenance) =====  
-Water tubing: silicone, 12mm OD, 8mm ID, 2mm wall\\ +2021-12-02
-Chiller: CW-5200\\ +  * "Laser is fixedthe connector that plugs into the motherboard got loose and signal wasn't reaching the driver. Tighten up and homed itAll works fine now. Obviously checked all others too. All cool." (Costa)
-Air assist compressor: Hailea ACO-328\\ +
-Air assist tubingsilicone, 12mm OD, 8mm ID, 2mm wall\\ +
-Mirrors: 3x 25mm diameter\\ +
-Lens: ZnSe20mm diameter, 50.8mm focus\\ +
-Laser PSU: Reci DY20\\ +
-Laser tube: ZN-1650 (130W rated power, 150W max, 30mA)+
-===== Resources =====+2022-05-19: 
 +  * "Having an issue with one of the axis (I believe x? The front to back one) was not working after removing the rotary (and obviously resetting the switches to normal position)" (Diarmaid) 
 +  * "The laser is fixed, the big switch [that switches between the rotary axis and the normal axis] needs to be looked at in the future." (Costa)
-  * {{ :jd90125.pdf | JD90125 manual }} +2024-08-09
-  * {{ :lasercut5.3-software_manual-v1.6.pdf | LaserCut 5.3 manual }} +  * PC PSU has failed, swapped with the Old Laser PC (including the CR2032)
-  * {{ :cw-5000_5200_industrial_chiller_user_manual.pdf | CW-5200 Chiller Manual }} +
-  * {{ :cw-5000_5200_industrial_chiller_maintenance_manual.pdf | CW-5200 Maintenance Manual }} +
-  * {{ :reci_dy10_dy13_dy20.pdf | Reci DY20 manual }} +
-  * {{ :private:20130508-lasercutter-service-report.pdf |Laser cutter service report 2013-05-08}} +
-  * {{ |}} - software supplied with laser cutter +
-  * {{ |}} - backup of previous owner's LaserCut53 installation +
-  * {{ :mpc6515hardwaremanual.pdf | MPC6515 controller manual }} +
-===== Access Control =====+
-The access control unit will be external to the laser cutter chassis and connected by a cable:+2024-08-15: 
 +  * PC replaced - was: Dell Optiplex 980 (labelled "Morrigan"), 4GB RAM, HDD; now: i5-8400T, 16GB RAM, 256GB NVMe
-  * GND +2024-10-18: 
-  * 5V supply (from laser cutter, always on) +  * Top cover hinges modified
-  * Enable power-up (open drain) +
-  * Current clamp A +
-  * Current clamp B +
-  * (additional pins may be required for better active/idle detection) +
-  +
-===== Monitoring =====+
-An external unit will contain an ESP8266 and LCD. It will connect to the main chassis by cable:+2024-10-27: 
 +  * Lens is clean 
 +  * Mirror cleaned
-  * GND +2025-02-22
-  * 5V supply (from laser cutter, always on or switched) +  * Guide laser is not working
-  * One wire bus for DS18B20 temperature sensors +
-  * I2C SDA +
-  * I2C SCL +
-  * Laser enable pin +
-  * Laser power level pin +
-  * Laser powered-up signal? +
-  * Laser cutter in use signal? +
- +
-The monitoring device will: +
- +
-  * Log laser tube time +
-  * Log temperatures (ambient, coolant out/return, bed, exhaust) +
-  * Detect cutting sessions and report the most recent on the LCD +
-  * Potentially, log fume/particulate levels+
 {{tag>equipment}} {{tag>equipment}}
lasercutter2.1637754852.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021-11-24 11:54 by simon

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