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EMF Camp 2018

August 31st - September 2nd 2018
Eastnor, UK

Who's going?

Name Preferred Location Share Food? Notes
Tim Hawes quiet yes
Mike Walters quiet yes
alfie emf yes Would quite like a lift from Edinburgh - intending on turning up on the 29th to volunteer.
Simon quiet yes
tbrb No preference, somewhere sociable yes?
Alistair In a field Sure Traveling with Harry (Supposedly)

Note that there are no plans to hire a minibus this year, but there might be a van for carrying cargo if someone can be persuaded.

Mailing List

What are we bringing?


Camping Gear

Who is bringing what, for the Edinburgh Hacklab village:

Thing Person
Electric coolbox Tim H
Picnic blanket Tim H
Ground sheet 6x4ft Tim H
Gas stove (cartridge type) Tim H


  • second electric coolbox - Tim K?
  • second cartridge gas stove
  • power cables and multiway adapters for the shared tent - Tim K?
  • USB chargers for the shared tent
  • charcoal grill - Al?
  • water carrier (15-20L)
emfcamp2018.1530624896.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018-07-03 13:34 by tim

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