Welcoming Guests at Open Nights (a guide for members)
Some people don't know what to do when a new person comes in. Ignoring them is not welcoming and they will probably leave with a bad impression. While the lab is open you should try to do your best to be friendly. If you don't know what to do here is a suggested procedure.
- Look up from your computer and say hello.
- Offer them a chair - make a space at the table if necessary.
- Ask if they have been before, what their interests are, why they have come.
- Offer them tea or another drink.
- Offer them a tour.
If you can't face this and there is noöne else in the lab who will do it then it might be worth ending the open night.
guest-welcoming.txt · Last modified: 2020-07-09 00:56 by river