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Just a heads up, as those of you who joined in the last couple of years
won't have seen this kit when it was last actually set up and running.

When you next come in the lab you will see six red cameras mounted
around the top of the room. These are not spying on you. They do not
take normal images, and are only good for seeing specially made markers
using infrared light. They are also not switched on except when in use.

Should you choose to attach some markers to something though, then they
will let you track that object in real time, to millimetre accuracy at
100 frames per second, within a volume from the surface of the central
table up to about 1.5m above it.

This is useful for lots of robotics and real time control projects. In
the past we had toy quadcopters flying around under precision control
using it, and now David is planning to use it with his hexapods.

The equipment is in my care and does not belong to the lab, but I am
happy for other members to make use of it with permission. Please see me
for training if you would like to use it.

Please take care not to disturb the cameras. The system is calibrated
now and any movement of them will prevent it working correctly until

mocap.txt · Last modified: 2019-04-29 22:02 by alfie

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