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Table of Contents
Trying to log in? Use your Hacklab single sign-on. Create an account or reset your password.
Go to the start page for quick links to other lab services.
Edinburgh Hacklab
The purposes of the Hacklab are:
- To promote and and encourage technical, scientific and artistic skills and innovation through individual projects, collaboration and education;
- To provide open events to allow the wider community to meet and socialise together;
- To promote and support the use and development of free and open technologies, standards, ideas, hardware and software for the benefit of all;
- To provide a shared physical workspace, tools, storage and other resources for its members;
- To work with other bodies with similar or complementary objectives.
Members may access the Members Area for meeting minutes and accounts.
Hacklab People and Groups
Using the Lab
- Safety Topics:
Tools, Equipment and Spaces
G1 Social Space
Currently undergoing major refurbishment:
- Join G1 Refurbishment action group to help.
G1 Kitchen
Laser Cutting
See the Laser Cutting Interest Group
3D printing
- Ultimaker 2 (see also 3D Printers)
- Prusa i3 MK 3 (see also 3D Printers)
- Voron 2.4 r2 (see also 3D Printers)
See the 3D Printing Interest Group
G8 Workshop and Tools
There's a project to create a new central workbench in G8 (workshop). Join Workshop Interest Group to discuss and help out
- Soldering
- Scopes
- Power Supplies
- Test Equipment
- Seaward PrimeTest 100 PAT tester
Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!
- Servers
See the Network Interest Group
Amateur Radio
- Amateur Radio - Amateur radio & the Hacklab
Newer, maybe more organised project pages
Older project pages
- Suppliers - Where to buy stuff
How Can I Help?
More information about Edinburgh Hacklab is available on our main website. Members may access the Members Area.
start.1723297710.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-08-10 13:48 by simon